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Iraqi Dinar Buzz Updates

Visa card in Iraq
2011-03-22 21:43:10

Economists call for activating the Visa card

Tuesday, March 22


Baghdad (news), the report of Al safa/. Specialists called for economists to activate the Iraqi banks by offering (Visa card, ÙˆÙƒØ±Ø¯Øª card), which is still very few Iraq, which helps to increase investment and economic reality, which will promote trade exchange between the Iraqi markets and global as well as the steps necessary to expand and develop Iraq’s banking sector.


I am excited about this for a few very major reasons. We should all understand that in order for the Iraqi Dinar to RV, several challenges need to be overcome. One of which is cashing in!


The Iraqi financial market has to support it, it has to handle IRAQI CITIZENS cashing in, in addition to all other investors. The government infrastructure has to support it…

…and there must be a mechanism for handling all of these transactions.


Imagine if hundreds of thousands of Iraqi’s went to the bank on RV day and wanted to exchange big bills for little – it would be impossible! The only way to handle this is to have a system in place to handle the changeover… and ATMs and Visa Cards is definitely part of it.


This is a good sign, friends! I’d love to hear your feedback, leave it below this post.

Best regards, and WARMEST RV wishes!


- Adam Montana